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sysdbd-puppet-store-configs(5) Manual Page


sysdbd-puppet-store-configs - puppet::store-configs plugin querying Puppet


<LoadBackend "puppet::store-configs">
    Interval 300
<Backend "puppet::store-configs">
    <Connection "puppet">
        DBAdapter "pgsql"
        DBName "puppet"
        DBServer "puppet.domain.tld"
        DBPort "5432"
        DBUser "puppet"
        DBPassword "secret1"
        DBIOption "name" "value"


puppet::store-configs is a backend module which queries the configuration management system Puppet using its store configs database. It connects to the store configs database using a DBI client and periodically queries all hosts and facter facts. The hosts are then stored using their fully qualified domain names whereas facts are stored as host attributes.


puppet::store-configs accepts the following configuration options:

Connection <name>

A connection block specifies a store configs database to connect to. The specified <name> is used to identify the connection internally but otherwise has no special meaning.
A connection block accepts the following configuration options:

DBAdapter <name>
DBName <database>
DBServer <hostname>
DBPort <port>
DBUser <username>
DBPassword <password>
DBIOption <name> <value>

Connection parameters specifying which database to connect to. Each parameter is passed on to DBI when connecting to the database.


SysDB was written by Sebastian "tokkee" Harl <>.

Copyright © 2012-2014 Sebastian "tokkee" Harl <>

This is free software under the terms of the BSD license, see the source for copying conditions. There is NO WARRANTY; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

Latest Releases:

» 0.8.0 — 2016-02-25
» 0.7.0 — 2015-02-21
» 0.6.0 — 2014-11-17

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