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2014-09-21: Go bindings for SysDB

A few days ago, the first version of Go bindings for SysDB have been pushed to The project provides a set of packages for the Go programming language (golang) which implement a SysDB client and helper functions for handling the front-end protocol.

Install the package into your GOPATH using the go get command:

go get

The documentation is included with the source code in a way compatible with the godoc tool and the latest version can be viewed online.

At the moment, the following packages are available:

  • client: A SysDB client implementation.

  • proto: Helper functions for using the SysDB front-end protocol. That’s the protocol used for communication between a client and a SysDB server instance.

  • sysdb: Core constants and types used by SysDB packages.

Latest Releases:

» 0.8.0 — 2016-02-25
» 0.7.0 — 2015-02-21
» 0.6.0 — 2014-11-17

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